Are you interested in other cultures? Do you want to see sights full of nature that you cannot find anywhere else in Europe? Then come and visit the very centre of Europe – Poland. But if you want to feel something unique, come to its north-eastern part: Podlaskie region.

Podlaskie is one of the most culturally diverse (mainly national, ethnic and religious) regions in Poland. Historically, Podlaskie has long been a borderland where various national and ethnic groups (Poles, Belarusians, Russians, Germans, Tatars and Jews) and religious groups (Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims, Jews and Protestants) have left their mark. The capital of Podlaskie is Bialystok – the largest city in north-eastern Poland and the seat of our University.

Have we managed to convince you? We hope so. We will do our best to make your stay in Bialystok an unforgettable experience.



Since its foundation our university has been engaged in academic cooperation with numerous universities.
Currently the University has got Erasmus+ exchange agreements with following partners:

University name Country Erasmus+ Code Study Field
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi (Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University) Turkey TR ANTALYA03 Sports (1014)
Atatürk Üniversitesi (Atatürk University) Turkey TR ERZURUM01 Management and Administration (0413)
Balıkesir Üniversitesi (Balikesir University) Turkey TR BALIKES01 Management and Administration (0413)
Baltijas Starptautiskā Akadēmija (Baltic International Academy) Latvia LV RIGA28 Management and Administration (0413),  Economics (0311)
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi (Bursa Uludağ University) Turkey TR BURSA01 Management and Administration (0413), Economics (0311)
Ege Üniversitesi (Ege University) Turkey TR IZMIR02 Education (011)
Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi (Fenerbahçe University) Turkey TR ISTANBU68 Sports (1014)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança) Portugal P BRAGANC01 Sports (1014)
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon) Portugal P LISBOA05 Management and Administration (0413)
İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi (Istanbul Kultur University) Turkey TR ISTANBU19 Business and Administration (041)
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi (Karadeniz Technical University) Turkey TR TRABZON01 Management and Administration (0413)
Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas (Kazimieras Simonavicius University) Lithuania LT VILNIUS24 Business and Administration (041)
L-Università ta’ Malta (University of Malta) Malta MT MALTA01 Business and Administration (041)
P.A. College Cyprus CY LARNACA01 Business and Administration (041) – staff only!
Siirt Üniversitesi (Siirt University) Turkey TR  SIIRT01 Management and Administration (0413), Economics (0311)
Sveučilište u Zadru (University of Zadar) Croatia HR ZADAR01 Management and Administration (0413)
Universidad de Málaga (University of Málaga) Spain E MALAGA01 Business and Administration (041)
Universidade de Évora (University of Évora) Portugal P EVORA01 Sports (1014)
Universidad de Granada (University of Granada) Spain E GRANADA01 Sports (1014) – staff only!
Università degli Studi di Foggia (University of Foggia) Italy I FOGGIA03 Management and Administration (0413)
Universität Koblenz (University of Koblenz) Germany D KOBLENZ02 Business and Administration (0410)
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Babes-Bolyai University) Romania RO CLUJNAP01 Economics (0311)
Universitatea din Craiova (Craiova University) Romania RO CRAIOVA01 Sports (1014)
University of Central Lancashire Cyprus Cyprus CY LARNACA02 Management and Administration (0413)
Vysoká Škola Ekonómie a Manažmentu v Bratislave (Bratislava University of Economics and Management) Slovakia SK BRATISL13 Management and Administration (0413)
Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο (Harokopio University of Athens) Greece G KALLITH01 Management and Administration (0413)


Would you like to study at our university for one or two semesters as an exchange Erasmus+ student?

Please note that due to the timetable of classes at the university: 

  • Faculty of Economic Sciences accepts Erasmus+ students in fall semester only
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism accepts Erasmus+ students in fall semester and in spring semester

Still interested? That’s great!
Firstly you should contact the Erasmus+ Office at your university and follow the application procedure.

In order to be accepted for Erasmus+ exchange at our university you should provide us with necessary information. Documents that must be submitted are:

Application Deadlines

  • for the fall semester (October to February) – 20 June
  • for the spring semester (February to June) – 20 December

Please note that it takes some time for non-EU citizens to get a visa (for details please contact the Polish Consulate in your country). To apply for a visa, you need an enrolment letter from us, so send us all application documents well ahead of time.

Students from the EU countries do not need visa to come to Poland, but they have to apply for a residence permit after arrival.


Below you will find the calendar for the academic year 2024/2025 at the Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok:

  • fall semester: 1 October 2024 – 28 February 2025
  • inauguration of the academic year 2024/2025: 5 October 2024
  • end-of-term examinations: 1 February 2025 – 14 February 2025
  • summer semester: 14 February 2025 – 30 September 2025
  • end-of-term examinations: 9 June 2025 – 29 June 2025


  • winter holiday: 23 December 2024 – 8 January 2025
  • Easter vacation: 17 April 2025 – 22 April 2025


  • 1 January – New Year’s Day
  • 6 January – Epiphany
  • First Day of Easter
  • Second Day of Easter
  • 1 May – National Holiday
  • 3 May – National Holiday of 3rd May (the anniversary of the proclamation of Constitution of 3rd May)
  • 1 November – All Saints’ Day
  • 11 November – National Holiday of Independence
  • 25 December – Christmas Day
  • 26 December – Boxing Day

Before the Trip

  • Take a look at this page as you decide what clothes to take with you. Look at the charts showing the weather while you are our visitor.
  • Need advice on which apps are worth installing on your phone? Want to know where to eat, where to go to an event, what places to avoid? Contact us by e-mail – we’ll get back to you on WhatsApp!

How to Get Here?

Bialystok is approximately 180 km far from Warsaw and can easily be reached by common transport. Journey lasts approx. 3 hours.
if you are looking for efficient and cheap transport, we suggest the following options:


From Warsaw Chopin Airport: you can take bus number 175 to get to the main train station called Warsaw Central („Warszawa Centralna” or “Dworzec Centralny” (Dw. Centralny) in Polish:

From Warsaw Central Station: you can take the train to Białystok:


The bus station is just next to the Warsaw Chopin Airport:

  • view Warsaw Chopin Airport website to check the list of carriers offering bus transport to Bialystok’ timetable (you can also buy a ticket online)


Our university does not have a dormitory. But don’t worry – we can help you find accommodation in a location that suits you and at a good price. Contact our office for assistance.

Health Insurance

Foreign students are obligated to be covered by health insurance in their home country. They are strongly advised to take out additional insurance against theft, as well as a public liability insurance.

EU students have to bring a certification of their health insurance that is European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

NON-EU students should purchase health insurance in the home country, before departure. According to health regulations you have to pay for a medical consultation in Poland. The health insurance company can then reimburse the cost. Therefore student must confirm with their insurance company exactly what level of medical coverage they are entitled to in Poland and what are the reimbursement procedures.


Incoming students might get the support from tutors. Tutor may be giving guidance to more than one international student.

Polish Grading Scale

All classes take the form of lectures, seminars and exercises.
Examination assessments are based on a 6-point scale:

5.0 – Excellent
4.5 – Very good
4.0 – Good
3.5 – Satisfactory
3.0 – Sufficient
2.0 – Fail

University Facilities

The University owns the buildings located on a single plot, housing over 100 teaching rooms, computer labs, sports halls, chairs and departments, a library with a large reading room, a cafe and a restaurant, its own hotel, and the administrative premises of all faculties. A well-equipped modern edifice with two spacious halls has been added to this list. All the buildings are designed to fully satisfy the University’s academic needs as well as host important ceremonies at the regional level and beyond.


The library and reading room of the Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Białystok are a facility serving the needs of higher education in the areas of management, economics, finance, banking, accounting, marketing, economic law, physical education, sports science and tourism.

The whole collection numbers over 40,000 volumes. The library also has holdings in the English and German languages. The library subscribes also periodicals, including some foreign titles favoured by our academic community, available in online versions as well.

The library also has a rich collection of audio and video cassettes and compact discs. In the multimedia reading room the students and the staff have at their disposal computers with free access to the Internet, which means access to several thousand scientific journals (via EBSCO service).


Living Expenses

Living in Poland as a student is relatively affordable compared to other European Union countries. The cost of living for students can start from 1500 PLN (330 EUR) a month. However, the prices depend on the city you are currently living in. Of course living expenses will vary according to personal requirements!

The effects of inflation have recently been felt in countries around the world, and Poland is no exception. From our point of view a person studying in Poland should expect to need about PLN 2000-2500 on a monthly basis. This does not include the one time expense of the deposit for a room.

Useful Links

We recommend you the following websites:

Contact Us

Do you have any other questions?

Our Erasmus+ Office provides information and support on orientation, enrolment and accommodation. Together with tutors and buddies we assist exchange students during their stay in Bialystok.

Erasmus+ Office

Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok
40 Ciepla Street
room 23, ground floor
15-472 Bialystok, Poland

phone: +48 85 67 50 672

Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinators

Faculty of Economic Sciences
Anna Iwacewicz-Orłowska, PhD, WANS professor
e- mail:

Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism
mgr Tomasz Hrynkiewicz

We look forward to seeing you in Bialystok!


Read reviews from exchange students who have studied at our university!

Heidi - Tampere University (Finland)

I studied as an exchange student in the University of Finance and Management in Białystok (former WANS name) in the spring semester 2001. I had never before been in Poland but the personnel of the International Office and my tutor made me feel like at home right at the beginning of my stay in Białystok. The courses in the International Program were interesting and lecturers were very sensible to the exchange students. The most part of my spare time I spent traveling around Poland with my Spanish, Belorusian and Polish colleagues.
Studying as an exchange student in Białystok was one the best decisions in my life and I hope that every student could come here and have as unforgettable experience as I had.

Izabella - University Babes Bolyai Cluj Napoca (Romania)

I arrived in Bialystok for the winter semester 2005/5006 on the 7th of October 2005, one week before the lectures for foreign students started, but just in time to explore the beautiful parks and streets of the city shining in wonderful colors in the last sunny days of autumn. The teachers and the staff of the school is very open and very supportive, the collegues friendly and helpful, the school building is modern and new. What I appreciated the most is that if I had some problems or questions (and they appeared pretty often, especially because I didn’t speak the language), I always had someone to turn too. And it has been like this from the first moment I contacted the university through email. I had a wonderful time in school but outside school too, living in the (for me, and probably all Erasmus students in Bialystok) famous Academics of the Technical University (Politechnika Bialistocka), and hanging out in the city with all the new friends I met in Bialystok. It was a great experience. Thank you!

P.S. If you go for the winter, make sure you have lots of really warm clothes!!! Trust me!

Sorin - University Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

The first questions that popped out in my head after I’ve found out that I can come to study in Poland was “Why choose Poland? Why the University of Finance and Management in Bialystok (former WANS name)? After six months spent here I’ve got my answer. Because it’s a one-time life experience! If you are interested in a multi-cultural experience, in meeting new and interesting people, in making friends from all over the world like India, Spain, Portugal just to name a few and last but not least having some very good and interesting classes you’ve made the right decision. The University is just the fine educational institution one could expect to find, with lots of good professors and very friendly students. The city is lovely with many green areas, with people who are sociable so you can easily make new acquaintances and let’s not forget about the rich night life and the girls who are just beautiful. For those who thought some of the things mentioned above sound interesting you are welcome to come and try for yourselves what can be a unique experience.

Zeynep - Uludag University (Turkey)

It is good when students of other nations get the opportunity to study together and see how people live abroad. I studied as an exchange Erasmus student at the University of Finance and Management in Bialystok (former WANS name) during the spring semester. I had never been in Poland and at first I had some adaptation problems. But the personnel of the International Office made me feel like at home. The courses in the International Program were interesting and the teachers were very sensible to the exchange students. The most of my spare time I spent traveling around Poland with my friend Aysila. Living and studying as an exchange student in Bialystok was one of the best experiences I ever had.

Aysila - Uludag University (Turkey)

I am Aysila and I am from Turkey. To study one semester in Bialystok, Poland was really exciting! I had three months to study here and now, at the end of this time, I feel so close to Polish people ? their language, cuisine, way of living… I know almost everything about them and I like Polish people very much. I like meeting new people and here it was really enjoyable to meet Polish people, learn about their traditions … and it was interesting at the same time. In addition to this I like the school I studied in Poland – the University of Finance and Management in Bialystok (former WANS name) – the teachers, coordinators have been always so friendly and helpful to the students. I can easily say that to study in Poland is a great experience and really entertaining at the same time. If you want to study here, you won’t be sorry about this decision for sure!


pdf Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2021-2027
pdf Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Erasmus+ Incoming Student Application Form (editable, DOCX)
vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Learning Agreement (editable, DOCX)
pdf Erasmus+ courses for 2025/2026 (fall semester) - Faculty of Economic Sciences
pdf Erasmus+ courses for 2025/2026 (fall semester) - Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism
zip Erasmus+ course syllabuses - Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism