Are you interested in other cultures? Do you want to see sights full of nature that you cannot find anywhere else in Europe? Then come and visit the very centre of Europe – Poland. But if you want to feel something unique, come to its north-eastern part: Podlaskie region.
Podlaskie is one of the most culturally diverse (mainly national, ethnic and religious) regions in Poland. Historically, Podlaskie has long been a borderland where various national and ethnic groups (Poles, Belarusians, Russians, Germans, Tatars and Jews) and religious groups (Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims, Jews and Protestants) have left their mark. The capital of Podlaskie is Bialystok – the largest city in north-eastern Poland and the seat of our University.
Have we managed to convince you? We hope so. We will do our best to make your stay in Bialystok an unforgettable experience.
Since its foundation our university has been engaged in academic cooperation with numerous universities.
Currently the University has got Erasmus+ exchange agreements with following partners:
University name | Country | Erasmus+ Code | Study Field |
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi (Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University) | Turkey | TR ANTALYA03 | Sports (1014) |
Atatürk Üniversitesi (Atatürk University) | Turkey | TR ERZURUM01 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Balıkesir Üniversitesi (Balikesir University) | Turkey | TR BALIKES01 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Baltijas Starptautiskā Akadēmija (Baltic International Academy) | Latvia | LV RIGA28 | Management and Administration (0413), Economics (0311) |
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi (Bursa Uludağ University) | Turkey | TR BURSA01 | Management and Administration (0413), Economics (0311) |
Ege Üniversitesi (Ege University) | Turkey | TR IZMIR02 | Education (011) |
Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi (Fenerbahçe University) | Turkey | TR ISTANBU68 | Sports (1014) |
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança) | Portugal | P BRAGANC01 | Sports (1014) |
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon) | Portugal | P LISBOA05 | Management and Administration (0413) |
İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi (Istanbul Kultur University) | Turkey | TR ISTANBU19 | Business and Administration (041) |
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi (Karadeniz Technical University) | Turkey | TR TRABZON01 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas (Kazimieras Simonavicius University) | Lithuania | LT VILNIUS24 | Business and Administration (041) |
L-Università ta’ Malta (University of Malta) | Malta | MT MALTA01 | Business and Administration (041) |
P.A. College | Cyprus | CY LARNACA01 | Business and Administration (041) – staff only! |
Siirt Üniversitesi (Siirt University) | Turkey | TR SIIRT01 | Management and Administration (0413), Economics (0311) |
Sveučilište u Zadru (University of Zadar) | Croatia | HR ZADAR01 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Universidad de Málaga (University of Málaga) | Spain | E MALAGA01 | Business and Administration (041) |
Universidade de Évora (University of Évora) | Portugal | P EVORA01 | Sports (1014) |
Universidad de Granada (University of Granada) | Spain | E GRANADA01 | Sports (1014) – staff only! |
Università degli Studi di Foggia (University of Foggia) | Italy | I FOGGIA03 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Universität Koblenz (University of Koblenz) | Germany | D KOBLENZ02 | Business and Administration (0410) |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Babes-Bolyai University) | Romania | RO CLUJNAP01 | Economics (0311) |
Universitatea din Craiova (Craiova University) | Romania | RO CRAIOVA01 | Sports (1014) |
University of Central Lancashire Cyprus | Cyprus | CY LARNACA02 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Vysoká Škola Ekonómie a Manažmentu v Bratislave (Bratislava University of Economics and Management) | Slovakia | SK BRATISL13 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο (Harokopio University of Athens) | Greece | G KALLITH01 | Management and Administration (0413) |
Would you like to study at our university for one or two semesters as an exchange Erasmus+ student?
Please note that due to the timetable of classes at the university:
- Faculty of Economic Sciences accepts Erasmus+ students in fall semester only
- Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism accepts Erasmus+ students in fall semester and in spring semester
Still interested? That’s great!
Firstly you should contact the Erasmus+ Office at your university and follow the application procedure.
In order to be accepted for Erasmus+ exchange at our university you should provide us with necessary information. Documents that must be submitted are:
- Erasmus+ Incoming Student Application Form with photo (click to download)
- Learning Agreement (click to download)