
ABU students have finished their studies at WANS!

This is the end! Today, three students from Alikhan Bokeikhan University, based in Semey, Kazakhstan, completed their studies at the Faculty of Physical Education and Tourism at Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok,  Poland (WANS) as part of an academic mobility programme based on an ABU Presidential Scholarship. The group, supervised by Alexander Zurawski, PhD, participated in classes in sports theory, physical education theory, school tourism, rhythmics and dance, practised wrestling and took part in play and movement games.

– Aliya, Dilnaz, Ardazhan – thank you for being with us. We hope that it was time well spent for you – said Dorota Sokolowska, PhD, Vice-Chancellor for Education and Foreign Cooperation of the Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok, at the farewell meeting. – The doors of our university are always open to you. We hope that our cooperation with Alikhan Bokeikhan University, where you study, will be as fruitful as it has been so far. We have a lot of perspectives for joint development, as there are more projects ahead of us under the Erasmus+ programme. We hope that ABU students and staff will benefit from the EU funds we will have to distribute – added the Vice-Chancellor.

Published on

19 December 2024 r.

ABU students have finished their studies at WANS!